I'm not going to lie, I'm having a rough time with eating right and having enough time to get a full workout in. My main problem is that I can't wake up early enough. If I do wake up early enough, I stay in bed because I think I will fall back to sleep for a few more minutes and I could really use those extra minutes. In reality, I'm just being lazy. I know I can eat better, but I just don't want to. That's the kicker. I want to do better, but not enough to change it. Which maybe I'm being too hard on myself. It's only the fourth day of this. I need to give it a little time and I know I will get better.
Running is already getting easier. I ran 3/4 of a mile in 6 minutes, which is really good for me! I have set a goal to run 1 mile by Saturday, so we will see how that goes. Tomorrow I plan on running .75 again, with absolutely no stopping. I'm excited about running, just not eating right. Food is just so good. Usually the bad food is the best.
On a happier note, my husband and I haven't had fast food since Sunday! Pretty proud of that fact. And I am proud of myself for running every day since Sunday, even if it isn't long distances. It's something. It's more than what I did last week.
I know I can do this. Tomorrow is a new day, a new challenge, and a day closer to the new me.
Weight loss goals, DIY projects, diet bashing, and photography all in one place!
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Monday, October 7, 2013
Getting Back in the Groove
My half mile run went pretty well last night. My legs are really sore, but that's more from moving all of our furniture by myself. Meh. My interval running was okay, I didn't go as long as I wanted, but at least I went, right? I also didn't do the leg workouts I had planned on doing, but I am okay with that. I don't think I could have done it without hurting myself.
My eating wasn't so great. I know after a few days I will get better. I'm trying my hardest to not get discouraged. Because then I would really give up and just continue to get fatter and more miserable. No negativity here. Small steps are better than no steps at all.
My eating wasn't so great. I know after a few days I will get better. I'm trying my hardest to not get discouraged. Because then I would really give up and just continue to get fatter and more miserable. No negativity here. Small steps are better than no steps at all.
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Epic Fail/Day One
No excuses here. I completely failed. I told myself I would keep up with this blog, and that has obviously not happened. My apologies. Which really, this blog was designed to help keep me motivated and when I fell off the wagon, I stopped using it. Well, time to change that, and a lot of other things.
My husband and I just bought a house. My photography business has increased significantly, and I still have a full time job. On top of that, I am trying to get certified to teach in the state of Oklahoma. I've been busy, but it's still no excuse for my weight gain and increase of laziness.
To help motivate me, I signed up for the Oklahoma City Memorial half marathon again. Maybe training more will make this one easier. Last time nearly killed my legs, but that's probably because I didn't train enough. Starting today, October 6th, I am going to start running again. I will start out small, and build my way up. When I say small, I mean like a half mile, if that! That's how out of shape I am! I let myself stop working out, and I've noticed a big difference in my daily energy and obviously in my physique. My pants barely fit. My shirts are snug. And I am completely and totally uncomfortable with myself. It has to change, and I'm the only one who can make that change.
So, here we go. I am 5'8, and weigh approximately 180 lbs. That's a 13 pound increase since February. Awful! According to several websites and my doctor, I am about 20 pounds overweight. So, here's my goal. I want to lose 20 lbs by April 27, 2014, which is the OKC Memorial run. That's a little less than a pound a week. Here is my plan for the first week:
Day 1
exercise: run 1/2 mile
Day 2
exercise: run 20 minutes of intervals. 10 sets of stairs. Calf raises, lunges, squats, curtsey lunges.
calorie intake: 1320 calories.
Day 3
exercise: run 1/2 mile. p90x arms.
calorie intake: 1320
Day 4: 25 minutes of interval running. Nike ab workout.
calorie intake: 1320
Day 5: Run 1/2 mile. p90x plyometrics
calorie intake: 1320
Day 6: run 3/4 mile.
calorie intake: 1320
The hard part is going to be the eating. For some reason, during the week while at work, I do fine. But as soon as I get home, all I want is junk food. The weekends are the absolute worst. I think it's because I get so bored. I am for sure a boredom eater and an emotional eater. I'm going to start working on that today!
Wish me luck. Later I will post all about my run. Tomorrow I plan on using this as a food diary as well. Don't judge too harshly on my foods, I'm working on it!
My husband and I just bought a house. My photography business has increased significantly, and I still have a full time job. On top of that, I am trying to get certified to teach in the state of Oklahoma. I've been busy, but it's still no excuse for my weight gain and increase of laziness.
To help motivate me, I signed up for the Oklahoma City Memorial half marathon again. Maybe training more will make this one easier. Last time nearly killed my legs, but that's probably because I didn't train enough. Starting today, October 6th, I am going to start running again. I will start out small, and build my way up. When I say small, I mean like a half mile, if that! That's how out of shape I am! I let myself stop working out, and I've noticed a big difference in my daily energy and obviously in my physique. My pants barely fit. My shirts are snug. And I am completely and totally uncomfortable with myself. It has to change, and I'm the only one who can make that change.
So, here we go. I am 5'8, and weigh approximately 180 lbs. That's a 13 pound increase since February. Awful! According to several websites and my doctor, I am about 20 pounds overweight. So, here's my goal. I want to lose 20 lbs by April 27, 2014, which is the OKC Memorial run. That's a little less than a pound a week. Here is my plan for the first week:
Day 1
exercise: run 1/2 mile
Day 2
exercise: run 20 minutes of intervals. 10 sets of stairs. Calf raises, lunges, squats, curtsey lunges.
calorie intake: 1320 calories.
Day 3
exercise: run 1/2 mile. p90x arms.
calorie intake: 1320
Day 4: 25 minutes of interval running. Nike ab workout.
calorie intake: 1320
Day 5: Run 1/2 mile. p90x plyometrics
calorie intake: 1320
Day 6: run 3/4 mile.
calorie intake: 1320
The hard part is going to be the eating. For some reason, during the week while at work, I do fine. But as soon as I get home, all I want is junk food. The weekends are the absolute worst. I think it's because I get so bored. I am for sure a boredom eater and an emotional eater. I'm going to start working on that today!
Wish me luck. Later I will post all about my run. Tomorrow I plan on using this as a food diary as well. Don't judge too harshly on my foods, I'm working on it!
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Just Checking In...
Wow. It's been a long time since I last signed in. Ooops.
Since the last time I was on here, I have completed my first 5k, my first half marathon, and have successfully gained 8 pounds. Yes, gained. Ugh. Quite disappointed in myself, but, I know I have the will power to turn it around. I've also been crazy busy with photography, but I have a strange feeling that it's about to die down again. Gotta love the first few months of spring.
But that's not what I'm writing about today. Today I am writing about my husband and his art. He is a writer, and he's been posting one of my favorites of his work here. Just warning you, some of the stories can be graphic, but they are all definitely worth reading. He's amazing..and I'm not just saying that because he is my husband!
I will be writing more, I promise. My goal is to find a DIY project to post, so we'll how that goes!
Since the last time I was on here, I have completed my first 5k, my first half marathon, and have successfully gained 8 pounds. Yes, gained. Ugh. Quite disappointed in myself, but, I know I have the will power to turn it around. I've also been crazy busy with photography, but I have a strange feeling that it's about to die down again. Gotta love the first few months of spring.
But that's not what I'm writing about today. Today I am writing about my husband and his art. He is a writer, and he's been posting one of my favorites of his work here. Just warning you, some of the stories can be graphic, but they are all definitely worth reading. He's amazing..and I'm not just saying that because he is my husband!
I will be writing more, I promise. My goal is to find a DIY project to post, so we'll how that goes!
Friday, January 18, 2013
Making the Changes
Sorry, I didn't post my weight that Sunday. I decided to eat a bunch of candy and sit around expecting my body to just change on its own. Literally, that's what I did. So, after gorging myself on candy and Coke Zero, I got on Pinterest. And what did I find? A workout from Chris Powell. My best friend is obsessed with him. I've never seen Extreme Makeover: Body Edition or whatever it's called, but, if my friend likes him, maybe I should see what all he's about.
Let's just say, amazing. He gave a monthly workout plan to Women's Health magazine and I absolutely love it, so far. There are five months in the plan, and I'm definitely going to be keeping up with it! There are only 5 workouts for this month, but they're so easy and you can feel each one! Plus, it works great for me, because I do different things with it. Like Wednesday, I ran a mile, and did the workout. Today, I ran a fast mile, then after each exercise, I ran a lap around the track as fast as I could. Sunday, I will probably do each move as fast as I can with no break in between each move, and then take a one minute break before starting the circuit again. Great fun!
And I have been eating better! Yesterday was a really tough day at work, and all I wanted was to pig out on candy and soda... But I didn't. I had two pieces of snack size candy and drank water. Slowly, I'm getting out of the habit of eating for comfort. It's hard, but it's totally worth it!
Today's weigh in made me happy. I lost a pound! 167.4. I haven't weighed less than 168 since high school!
I promise to do better about posting more often!
Let's see if my healthier eating habits can survive the 3 day weekend!
Let's just say, amazing. He gave a monthly workout plan to Women's Health magazine and I absolutely love it, so far. There are five months in the plan, and I'm definitely going to be keeping up with it! There are only 5 workouts for this month, but they're so easy and you can feel each one! Plus, it works great for me, because I do different things with it. Like Wednesday, I ran a mile, and did the workout. Today, I ran a fast mile, then after each exercise, I ran a lap around the track as fast as I could. Sunday, I will probably do each move as fast as I can with no break in between each move, and then take a one minute break before starting the circuit again. Great fun!
And I have been eating better! Yesterday was a really tough day at work, and all I wanted was to pig out on candy and soda... But I didn't. I had two pieces of snack size candy and drank water. Slowly, I'm getting out of the habit of eating for comfort. It's hard, but it's totally worth it!
Today's weigh in made me happy. I lost a pound! 167.4. I haven't weighed less than 168 since high school!
I promise to do better about posting more often!
Let's see if my healthier eating habits can survive the 3 day weekend!
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Getting Back to It....Slowly.
It's 39 degrees here, feels like 34. The cold air rattled in my chest and throat, making my throat ache with every breath. My feet were dragging, and I wanted nothing more than to stop. But my German Shepherd, Nala, kept going, not to far in front of me, but enough to say, "C'mon, Mom, you can do this." She'd look back at me every now and then, and my energy would boost, even just for a few seconds. Oh, how I love my dogs.
You'd think I ran 5 miles. Or even two. Nope. Only one..
But it's better than sitting on my butt, watching it get bigger and bigger. And going for a run made me feel better (once it was all said and done and I finally stopped coughing up my lungs). Th'at's how it always is, I dread making myself do it, I try to talk myself out of it, but once I start running (if it's not cold outside) I start feeling better. And once I am finished I feel like a completely different person. Usually I refuse running outside when it's cold, but I needed to do something. I was getting frustrated for no reason, and I was bored. And usually when I get bored, I tend to eat... A lot!
So, I'm starting a new challenge. Every time I get frustrated or angry, and I feel like stuffing my face for the emotional relief eating provides me, I am going to grab Nala's leash and take her for a walk or run instead of cramming sugar down my throat (the reason I only bring Nala is because she is the best behaved on a leash), or I'm going to do a few sit ups, a couple of push ups (literally only a couple!), something other than eating.
I know I can do this. I just have to want to do it.
Today was day one of my half marathon training. I'm going to alternate between distance running and interval running. My goal is to increase my mileage by 1 mile per week until I reach 13.1 miles. I'll have 1-2 days of rest per week. With the interval running, the first few weeks I will walk 90 seconds, run 60 seconds, and repeat for a total of 30 minutes. This helps with speed and it burns a lot of calories! Once I am in good enough shape, I'm going to switch is up; walk for 60 seconds, run for 90. The next stage of it is incorporating a new level. Slow, faster, full out sprint. Walk for 90 seconds, run at a moderate pace for 90 seconds, sprint for 60 seconds.
I'm also going to start incorporating a couple of weight lifting exercises that are supposed to help you shrink a size in two weeks. I'm going to run for a week before I start adding other excercises, just to avoid overloading and giving myself an excuse to quit. I also found this calendar from the Sisterhood of Shrinking Jeans. They have several calendars, so check it out!
My second weigh-in is on Sunday, hopefully with running (even only for three days) it will help burn off these extra pounds I have!
I've pinned several things on Pinterest worth looking at, so follow my board Motivation. Just search for Krista Detherow. Check it out!
You'd think I ran 5 miles. Or even two. Nope. Only one..
But it's better than sitting on my butt, watching it get bigger and bigger. And going for a run made me feel better (once it was all said and done and I finally stopped coughing up my lungs). Th'at's how it always is, I dread making myself do it, I try to talk myself out of it, but once I start running (if it's not cold outside) I start feeling better. And once I am finished I feel like a completely different person. Usually I refuse running outside when it's cold, but I needed to do something. I was getting frustrated for no reason, and I was bored. And usually when I get bored, I tend to eat... A lot!
So, I'm starting a new challenge. Every time I get frustrated or angry, and I feel like stuffing my face for the emotional relief eating provides me, I am going to grab Nala's leash and take her for a walk or run instead of cramming sugar down my throat (the reason I only bring Nala is because she is the best behaved on a leash), or I'm going to do a few sit ups, a couple of push ups (literally only a couple!), something other than eating.
I know I can do this. I just have to want to do it.
Today was day one of my half marathon training. I'm going to alternate between distance running and interval running. My goal is to increase my mileage by 1 mile per week until I reach 13.1 miles. I'll have 1-2 days of rest per week. With the interval running, the first few weeks I will walk 90 seconds, run 60 seconds, and repeat for a total of 30 minutes. This helps with speed and it burns a lot of calories! Once I am in good enough shape, I'm going to switch is up; walk for 60 seconds, run for 90. The next stage of it is incorporating a new level. Slow, faster, full out sprint. Walk for 90 seconds, run at a moderate pace for 90 seconds, sprint for 60 seconds.
I'm also going to start incorporating a couple of weight lifting exercises that are supposed to help you shrink a size in two weeks. I'm going to run for a week before I start adding other excercises, just to avoid overloading and giving myself an excuse to quit. I also found this calendar from the Sisterhood of Shrinking Jeans. They have several calendars, so check it out!
My second weigh-in is on Sunday, hopefully with running (even only for three days) it will help burn off these extra pounds I have!
I've pinned several things on Pinterest worth looking at, so follow my board Motivation. Just search for Krista Detherow. Check it out!
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Newborn Photography: Almost Makes Me Want One...Almost
My husband and I have decided we're not quite ready for children. We have three wonderful dogs, and we're more than happy calling them our babies. And I think my dad would rather be "Grandpa" to our dogs for awhile longer, he's still pretty young. But, that doesn't mean I don't adore babies. Who doesn't love chubby cheeks and itty bitty toes and fingers?!
Yesterday I spent 3 hours in the presence of a six day old baby girl and her 3 year old brother. I'm not going to lie, I was kind of terrified. I have only worked with one other newborn and that session went pretty well, but I didn't touch him, not once. I won't lie, I'm terrified of holding/moving/touching a newborn baby. They just seem so fragile! Yeah, yeah, I know, if I want to be a photographer I need to get over it, but give me a break, I'm a beginner! Anyways, with yesterday's shoot, I moved the little one around a touch, but I still didn't pick her up. Other than that, I believe it was a success! She only cried once because she was hungry, and the rest of the time she was asleep. She didn't mind being in front of the camera at all (granted, she probably didn't even know I was there). Her big brother, on the other hand, did not want to do it all! We coaxed him into a few pictures with promises of toys and games. Works like a charm.
Look at those cheeks!!
He was wrapping the pearls around himself and his baby sister. So sweet! If you'd like to see more, checkout my photography page (KBoone Photography) on Facebook.
Unti next time!
Yesterday I spent 3 hours in the presence of a six day old baby girl and her 3 year old brother. I'm not going to lie, I was kind of terrified. I have only worked with one other newborn and that session went pretty well, but I didn't touch him, not once. I won't lie, I'm terrified of holding/moving/touching a newborn baby. They just seem so fragile! Yeah, yeah, I know, if I want to be a photographer I need to get over it, but give me a break, I'm a beginner! Anyways, with yesterday's shoot, I moved the little one around a touch, but I still didn't pick her up. Other than that, I believe it was a success! She only cried once because she was hungry, and the rest of the time she was asleep. She didn't mind being in front of the camera at all (granted, she probably didn't even know I was there). Her big brother, on the other hand, did not want to do it all! We coaxed him into a few pictures with promises of toys and games. Works like a charm.
Look at those cheeks!!
He was wrapping the pearls around himself and his baby sister. So sweet! If you'd like to see more, checkout my photography page (KBoone Photography) on Facebook.
Unti next time!
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