Friday, January 18, 2013

Making the Changes

Sorry, I didn't post my weight that Sunday.  I decided to eat a bunch of candy and sit around expecting my body to just change on its own.  Literally, that's what I did.  So, after gorging myself on candy and Coke Zero, I got on Pinterest.  And what did I find? A workout from Chris Powell.  My best friend is obsessed with him.  I've never seen Extreme Makeover: Body Edition or whatever it's called, but, if my friend likes him, maybe I should see what all he's about. 

Let's just say, amazing.  He gave a monthly workout plan to Women's Health magazine and I absolutely love it, so far.  There are five months in the plan, and I'm definitely going to be keeping up with it!  There are only 5 workouts for this month, but they're so easy and you can feel each one!  Plus, it works great for me, because I do different things with it.  Like Wednesday, I ran a mile, and did the workout.  Today, I ran a fast mile, then after each exercise, I ran a lap around the track as fast as I could.  Sunday, I will probably do each move as fast as I can with no break in between each move, and then take a one minute break before starting the circuit again.  Great fun!

And I have been eating better!  Yesterday was a really tough day at work, and all I wanted was to pig out on candy and soda... But I didn't.  I had two pieces of snack size candy and drank water.  Slowly, I'm getting out of the habit of eating for comfort.  It's hard, but it's totally worth it! 

Today's weigh in made me happy.  I lost a pound! 167.4.  I haven't weighed less than 168 since high school! 

I promise to do better about posting more often!

Let's see if my healthier eating habits can survive the 3 day weekend!

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